Happy New Year, kratom, plus other updates

Kratom update

I stopped taking it for two days instead of just the one. Since it was New Year’s Eve, I didn’t want to drink alcohol and have the “supplement” in my system. I was worried about how the combination would affect me. As it turns out, I didn’t drink on NYE, so it wouldn’t have mattered.

So, after not having it for a couple of days, I had reverted back to feeling down. However, it didn’t start right away. I could either chalk this observation up to just having a variety of moods independent of any changes, or that the substance stayed in my system for more than 24 hours. Both could have played a part. I’ll have to research how long it typically remains in one’s body.

Given a choice, the latter theory makes more sense to me when I consider my most recent dosage history.


  1. ½ tsp before breakfast: Mood lifted, but minor headache and temporary, slight nausea.
  2. ¼ tsp before breakfast: Mood lift continues, but absent of negatives.
  3. No dosage, but started to revert.
  4. No dosage, and reverted further.
  5. ¼ tsp before breakfast: No noticeable changes, feel very anxious and very sensitive to noise and touch, needed space. I have felt this way before taking anything, so I do not think these are symptoms of withdrawal.
  6. ½ tsp (today) but taken after breakfast and measured on a digital scale as 1.25g. Thus far, I do feel a mood lift, no nausea, but a slight headache concentrated around the sinus region.

So, as far as dosage is concerned, do I take a ½ teaspoon on the first day and ¼ teaspoon each subsequent day, take something in between ¼ and ½ as a consistent dosage, or some other option I hadn’t thought about? In any case, more deliberation is needed.

Ingestion methods

Before I move onto the next topic, I have to warn you not to mix OJ or most other liquids in with the powder. It doesn’t dissolve well, it tastes horrible, and the powder is so fine, it’s like you’re inhaling part of it. I had to chase the concoction with unadulterated OJ. I also had to drink another helping from the glass to help ingest the remaining residue that stuck to the sides. It was nasty. My previous strategy was much preferable. See my first blog entry on the subject for more information.

Van news

Nothing to report on the van front since I hadn’t heard back from the mechanic yet. Perhaps he was optimistic about Tuesday?

As it is, I’m afraid to start my pickup since it doesn’t seem to be charging the battery. It’s the second time that I had to charge it. I think it’s either the battery cables, which look like a rather wonky retrofit complete with liberal amounts of electrical tape, the alternator, or something is drawing power when the automobile is not running. In either case, it’s freaking cold out there today. It was -4°F (-20°C) this morning. My furnace could hardly keep up. I’m hoping that he fixes the van soon because I really don’t want to work on the S10 in this weather.

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