
via Daily Prompt: Continue

Continue, continuing, to continue, to be continued. This is what I’m doing. Just one more step. Just one more stage. Just one more day. Just one more. It always seems to be just one more thing until I’m successful, until I have peace, until I can relax, until I won’t be interrupted, until I’m happy, until I’m content.

I’m continuing, but sometimes, lately many times, it’s hard to do so. Sometimes, to continue is the action which confirms that you think the oasis is not really just a mirage. All you see ahead are phantom plateaus of comfort yielding only blowing sand combined with the burden of heat when you have a closer, hopeful look. It’s hard to continue on to the next vision of replenishment when you start expecting mirages instead. But what if? What if it’s not a mirage? Do I turn away? Do I stay where I am; neither forward or backward?

How many times will I be disappointed, disillusioned, led astray the next time that I decide to continue? On to the next trap? How many oasises have turned into mirages upon my arrival?

Wow! Isn’t that depressing! The one-word prompt.

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